tackle problem 33.25   But the problems are being tackled.
  tackle issue 18.70   That said, Miles is tackling big issues.
  tackle corruption 3.03   The government must tackle corruption.
  tackle crime 2.96   Tackle youth crime first.
  tackle question 2.96   Supreme Court tackles question of secession.
  tackle subject 2.63   Robertson has finally tackled the subject head on.
  tackle unemployment 2.63   The new laws are aimed at tackling unemployment.
  tackle blaze 2.57   It took twelve fire engines to tackle the blaze.
  tackle crisis 2.17   At issue now is how Primakov will tackle the crisis.
  tackle challenge 1.91   Groce is accustomed to tackling challenges.
  tackle job 1.84   She tackled the job piecemeal.
  tackle task 1.84   When you tackle a task, think small.
  tackle project 1.58   This frees you up to tackle projects calmly.
  tackle topic 1.45   Those roles have tackled topics.
  tackle poverty 1.32   Greater development aid to tackle poverty is essential.
  tackle reform 1.25   Lawmakers continue to have trouble tackling bridge reform.
  tackle terrorism 1.18   They also agreed to cooperate to tackle terrorism.
  tackle situation 0.99   Stage two of the exercise involves tackling the situation.
  tackle fire 0.92   At its height twenty firefighters were needed to tackle the fire.
  tackle threat 0.92   Wells Fargo, one of the biggest Internet banks, is tackling the threat head on.
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