tacit support 6.45   I think there is tacit support.
  tacit approval 5.60   But her tacit approval was made clear.
  tacit admission 1.78   Tacit admission of a past bad coaching hire.
  tacit agreement 1.78   She nods tacit agreement.
  tacit acceptance 1.05   Our presence was tacit acceptance of the symbolism.
  tacit understanding 0.99   Instead, there was a tacit understanding.
  tacit acknowledgment 0.92   That was tacit acknowledgment of the special threat to the country.
  tacit endorsement 0.86   Was that a tacit endorsement of Bush?
  tacit consent 0.59   It operates unofficially around the occupied West Bank, with tacit Israeli consent.
  tacit government 0.59   International human rights agencies charged the atrocities were committed with tacit government consent.
  tacit recognition 0.59   The careful language clearly amounted to a tacit recognition of two important facts.
  tacit backing 0.46   Scindia has the tacit backing of the opposition.
  tacit acknowledgement 0.39   This was a tacit acknowledgement that no progress had been made.
  tacit blessing 0.33   They accuse the Taiwan government of giving tacit blessing to Tibetan independence by allowing the visit to go ahead.
  tacit alliance 0.26   Kohl hammered the Social Democrats for forming a tacit alliance with the former East German communists to govern the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt.
  tacit assent 0.26   Israel has accused Arafat of orchestrating the riots and giving tacit assent to the suicide bombing.
  tacit collusion 0.26   In respect of tacit collusion there is far less clarity.
  tacit encouragement 0.26   The Croats say they took it as tacit encouragement.
  tacit knowledge 0.26   The tacit knowledge of the wide range of workers was used to the full.
  tacit move 0.26   China saw the visit as a tacit move by Taiwan to promote independence from China.
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