table motion 2.44   She plans to table a motion for debate in Parliament.
  table amendment 1.45   The House tabled her amendment.
  table bill 1.45   This year, the resulting bill was tabled.
  table proposal 1.32   However, two other proposals were tabled.
  table resolution 0.79   Wexler tabled the resolution earlier this month.
  table issue 0.72   Finally, a move to table the issue was adopted.
  table plan 0.72   Thursday, fire officials and the developer tabled plans for the multiethnic statue.
  table question 0.66   The question was tabled.
  table measure 0.53   The measure was tabled.
  table report 0.53   But the report was tabled after several hours of discussion Thursday.
  table vote 0.53   In June, they killed a proposed agreement by tabling a vote.
  table offer 0.46   Employers had tabled an offer, which unions refused.
  table legislation 0.33   He said legislation will be tabled at the next Parliamentary session to encourage recycling.
  table talk 0.26   But enough table talk.
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