suspicious package 15.87   Two suspicious packages had no anthrax.
  suspicious activity 9.41   Report any suspicious activity.
  suspicious circumstance 7.18   There are no suspicious circumstances.
  suspicious letter 6.52   Nor has a suspicious letter been found.
  suspicious object 5.53   Three other suspicious objects were being investigated.
  suspicious people 2.96   Seemed to think it might make people suspicious or something.
  suspicious powder 2.76   Suspicious white powder.
  suspicious vehicle 2.57   Suspicious vehicle reported by cottager.
  suspicious behavior 2.50   More suspicious behavior.
  suspicious transaction 2.50   It requires banks to take steps to identify suspicious transactions.
  suspicious mail 2.44   Have you handled any suspicious mail?
  suspicious death 2.24   He began drawing a map of suspicious deaths.
  suspicious envelope 2.17   The suspicious envelope was received Tuesday afternoon.
  suspicious car 1.78   He noted suspicious cars.
  suspicious fire 1.78   The limited access ended after a suspicious fire last May.
  suspicious substance 1.65   A facility is closed only when a suspicious substance is detected.
  suspicious character 1.45   Suspicious characters should be reported and so on.
  suspicious device 1.45   A second suspicious device was also found.
  suspicious person 1.45   Reeves can be a suspicious person at times.
  suspicious item 1.38   She would not describe the suspicious item or otherwise elaborate.
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