suspected militant 73.54   A crackdown on suspected militants living in France continues.
  suspected guerrilla 47.14   Dozens of suspected guerrillas have been arrested.
  suspected rebel 39.37   Another suspected rebel escaped.
  suspected terrorist 38.64   He believed a suspected terrorist might visit.
  suspected member 19.49   Mubarak has jailed thousands of suspected members.
  suspected drug 16.72   Many suspected drugs were fueling the success.
  suspected extremist 16.00   Most have been police and suspected extremists.
  suspected weapon 14.29   It was a reference to suspected weapons sites and meeting rooms.
  suspected case 12.05   Other suspected cases died last week.
  suspected gunman 7.57   The two suspected gunmen escaped.
  suspected criminal 7.24   Not the suspected criminal.
  suspected site 6.65   Body parts found at suspected grave site.
  suspected position 6.39   Israeli artillery struck suspected Hezbollah positions following the attacks.
  suspected al-qaida 5.86   Strike on suspected al-Qaida fighters correct, Pentagon says,
  suspected grave 5.73   Some suspected mass graves were left out.
  suspected collaborator 5.66   Body of suspected collaborator strung up in city square.
  suspected mastermind 5.66   But the hunt for the suspected terrorist mastermind goes on.
  suspected link 5.27   However, the suspected link with some other birth defects is less clear.
  suspected hijacker 5.13   Sketches of suspected hijackers.
  suspected spy 5.07   Intrusion of suspected spy ships leaves Japan shaken.
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