survey damage 9.15   We surveyed the damage caused by the bomb.
  survey scene 3.82   Dumas surveyed the scene.
  survey area 2.90   He surveys the area.
  survey site 1.45   Team members will first survey seven sites.
  survey crowd 1.25   He surveyed the crowd for people who met the criteria.
  survey landscape 0.92   He surveyed the landscape.
  survey devastation 0.86   She stood on the porch of her utterly undamaged house Friday, surveying devastation all around her.
  survey people 0.86   Seven hundred people were surveyed.
  survey wreckage 0.86   Japanese divers are to survey the wreckage on Wednesday.
  survey voter 0.79   Four hundred registered and likely voters were surveyed.
  survey land 0.72   Dale and Delores Lyon survey their land.
  survey room 0.72   The teacher surveyed the room.
  survey situation 0.72   Back at home, Wolfert surveys the situation.
  survey field 0.59   As we surveyed the field, the whole idea seemed inconceivable.
  survey member 0.59   He said the union will survey its members in July.
  survey student 0.59   For their study, Katz and others surveyed students at a private, unidentified university.
  survey surroundings 0.59   Blinking, she surveyed her surroundings.
  survey employee 0.53   Government employees were not surveyed.
  survey work 0.53   But, surveying her work, she realized she would have to put up one more.
  survey camp 0.46   Then he turned and surveyed the camp spread out below him.
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