sunset provision 1.25   --Sunset provisions of the tax plan.
  sunset clause 0.86   Luxury-tax threshold, sunset clause, NLRB decision.
  sunset cruise 0.72   A sunset cruise on the Zambezi?
  sunset industry 0.72   Though the Senate trial has been on a respirator for days, Monicagate is no sunset industry.
  sunset year 0.53   Meanwhile, he and Spock will stroll into their sunset years together.
  sunset view 0.46   She has a sunset view of the Savannah skyline.
  sunset magazine 0.39   It was the house she had yearned for in Sunset magazine.
  sunset launch 0.26   Space shuttle Atlantis chased after the international space station with a billion-dollar science laboratory early Thursday following a spectacular sunset launch.
  sunset time 0.26   Annan himself tried to introduce sunset times for committees.
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