sun be 24.36   And, the sun was out.
  sun shine 21.46   The sun was shining.
  sun come 14.02   The sun came up.
  sun rise 12.57   The sun rises in the east.
  sun set 11.65   And the sun setting.
  sun go 9.28   The sun went down.
  sun begin 4.34   The sun began to shine.
  sun beat_down 3.23   The sun beat down.
  sun sink 2.63   The sun sank behind the hills.
  sun break 2.44   The sun soon broke through the mist.
  sun warm 2.30   The sun is gently warming the air.
  sun heat 2.24   As the sun heats the atmosphere, some air gets warmer than other air.
  sun break_through 1.58   The sun broke through moments later.
  sun disappear 1.58   The sun disappeared behind a cloud.
  sun appear 1.25   The sun even appeared.
  sun dip 1.25   The sun dipped below the horizon.
  sun make 1.25   In some women, too much sun can make acne worse.
  sun emerge 1.12   The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
  sun have 1.12   The sun has its own gravity.
  sun peek 1.12   Then the sun peeked through.
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