summit meeting 77.09   A summit meeting?
  summit talk 8.95   It was their fourth round of summit talks.
  summit agendum 4.48   The summit agenda was set by Belize.
  summit leader 4.34   Russia-Japan summit leaders meet for no-necktie summit.
  summit participant 3.69   The summit participants will first meet at a dinner late Monday.
  summit site 2.96   Business slow at summit site, volleyball up next.
  summit venue 2.83   Security was tight at summit venues.
  summit host 2.76   Yeltsin is summit host.
  summit agreement 1.84   The summit agreement was announced last week.
  summit communique 1.65   AP has obtained a draft of the main summit communique.
  summit opening 1.58   Eleven heads of state attended the summit opening.
  summit declaration 1.45   It will be included as part of the final summit declaration.
  summit organizer 1.45   Chretien has urged summit organizers to economize where possible.
  summit partner 1.38   But there are objections from some summit partners.
  summit plan 0.99   No details of the summit plans were released.
  summit statement 0.99   A summit statement on Bihac had been scheduled.
  summit chairman 0.92   Schroeder, the summit chairman, seeks consensus on a replacement for Commission President Jacques Santer.
  summit session 0.86   When the formal summit session reconvened for the afternoon, the Libyan seat was empty.
  summit end 0.79   Gulf Cooperation Council summit ends.
  summit delegate 0.72   But some summit delegates were miffed.
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