suffered injury 3.75   The other suffered minor injuries.
  suffered burn 1.12   Remarkably, only two suffered burns, Lee said.
  suffered damage 0.99   Neither suffered major damage, and service continued.
  suffered head 0.99   Fried landed on his face and suffered head and chest injuries.
  suffered loss 0.99   Harken also suffered losses, but officials say the company is healthy.
  suffered cut 0.92   Most of the injured were shot but some suffered cuts while fleeing the gunfire.
  suffered bruise 0.59   The other suffered bruises and cuts.
  suffered fracture 0.39   Those injured suffered fractures, back injuries and burns.
  suffered wound 0.39   Police said a hundred more people suffered superficial wounds.
  suffered bone 0.26   The girl, born in Macedonia, suffered broken bones and serious burns and gashes.
  suffered setback 0.26   Vance enjoyed several successes during his early period as secretary of state but suffered setbacks later on.
  suffered stroke 0.26   Pinochet suffers from diabetes, has a pacemaker and suffered three mild strokes in London.
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