subway station 32.98   Five subway stations no longer exist.
  subway attack 26.20   The Tokyo subway gas attack made this evident.
  subway system 15.47   ...the Bay Area Rapid Transit subway system.
  subway train 13.17   Subway train, subway train,
  subway line 12.64   Right on the subway line.
  subway car 12.11   She moves to the other end of the subway car.
  subway stop 6.06   Only three subway stops.
  subway worker 5.92   Subway workers join growing strike.
  subway platform 4.74   Only the subway platforms respond quickly.
  subway rider 3.69   Hundreds of subway riders know his name.
  subway tunnel 3.62   Reptile takes to subway tunnels.
  subway service 3.55   Subway service was chaotic.
  subway project 1.91   A recently begun subway project also looks set to go under.
  subway entrance 1.84   And in the street outside the subway entrance, a crowd gathering.
  subway official 1.58   Subway officials have even tried handing out the cards free.
  subway ride 1.38   An extra subway ride to nowhere.
  subway site 1.18   Seoul businessmen visited subway construction sites Monday.
  subway token 1.05   The subway token as accouterment is not new.
  subway track 1.05   If you touch the third rail of a subway track, you get fried.
  subway construction 0.92   It was subway construction, ironically, helped derail the Pacific deal.
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