subtle way 9.22   Priorities change in subtle ways.
  subtle change 7.90   There was one subtle change.
  subtle difference 7.57   It is a subtle difference.
  subtle shift 2.90   A subtle shift, yes?
  subtle form 2.63   A subtle form of blackmail?
  subtle message 2.04   The tape also sends a more subtle message.
  subtle sign 1.97   There are subtle signs.
  subtle flavor 1.91   Blood orange adds subtle flavor to final sauce.
  subtle nuance 1.65   He listened to the subtle nuances in the song.
  subtle shade 1.58   Subtle shades continue to be in vogue.
  subtle color 1.51   And rendering that subtle color with only four inks can be slow.
  subtle effect 1.38   But there are more subtle effects.
  subtle touch 1.38   Subtle touches are everywhere.
  subtle approach 1.32   Gauer took a more subtle approach.
  subtle hint 1.32   The dish had a subtle hint of ginger.
  subtle pressure 1.32   There is no subtle pressure.
  subtle variation 1.25   Most of the recipes create subtle variations on similar ingredients.
  subtle one 1.18   Nor even a subtle one.
  subtle distinction 1.05   These are subtle distinctions.
  subtle pattern 0.99   Subtle patterns are mixed and matched.
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