substantive issue 8.16   Display a mastery of substantive issues.
  substantive talk 3.62   Rather, it amounted to talks on how to restart substantive talks.
  substantive negotiation 3.49   No substantive negotiations were held Tuesday.
  substantive change 3.36   Substantive change is going to be difficult.
  substantive discussion 2.90   More substantive discussions are scheduled for Thursday.
  substantive progress 1.71   But little substantive progress was expected.
  substantive peace 1.58   The dispute has twice forced the scuttling of substantive peace negotiations in less than a month.
  substantive difference 1.45   But more substantive differences were also aired.
  substantive motion 1.25   Those in favour of the substantive motion please show.
  substantive agreement 1.18   Beyond the cease-fire, however, no substantive agreements have been reached.
  substantive comment 1.18   That was her only substantive comment on the matter.
  substantive policy 1.12   But for me there are far more serious questions about his substantive policies.
  substantive question 0.92   Whenever you ask them a substantive question, they take it as an insult.
  substantive action 0.72   He has not, however, taken substantive action against any officers.
  substantive problem 0.72   Bill Clinton has a substantive problem.
  substantive role 0.72   Does it herald a more substantive future role?
  substantive debate 0.59   There should be substantive debate.
  substantive proposal 0.59   But he said no substantive proposal had been made to them about raising the column.
  substantive reason 0.53   I would go for substantive reasons.
  substantive reform 0.53   Repeal of the earnings limit may be the only substantive reform to Social Security this year.
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