subscriber be 6.12   Subscribers were none the worst for it.
  subscriber get 2.30   New subscribers would get the enhanced digital equipment.
  subscriber have 1.97   Why do subscribers have to wait so long?
  subscriber receive 1.71   This week, subscribers received ...
  subscriber pay 1.65   Cable TV subscribers pay monthly fees.
  subscriber use 1.32   The only requirement is that subscribers use the WorldNet at least one hour monthly.
  subscriber complain 0.99   Subscribers had complained of poor coverage inside buildings.
  subscriber choose 0.86   Adult subscribers can choose to block the service for younger members of the family.
  subscriber access 0.72   Subscribers can also access to other financial publications.
  subscriber need 0.53   America Online subscribers will not need to own Quicken.
  subscriber say 0.53   Subscribers say the savings are striking.
  subscriber include 0.39   Subscribers include actors Eddie Murphy and Bill Murray.
  subscriber know 0.39   The companies also are letting subscribers know where to find details of future increases.
  subscriber make 0.39   For one thing, Swedish subscribers can make calls of up to one hour.
  subscriber order 0.39   Subscribers can order local, regional, or national paging coverage.
  subscriber post 0.39   Subscribers can post photos of their pets on the site for a costume contest.
  subscriber spend 0.39   More subscribers will spend time on line because Hot Wired has original information not in the magazine.
  subscriber see 0.33   Before reaching Pseudo, subscribers see several warning screens.
  subscriber agree 0.26   Most CompuServe subscribers might have agreed that the service needed help.
  subscriber buy 0.26   Subscribers must buy a small satellite dish, to be aimed at AsiaSat II, and a ZAKNet PC card.
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