subpoena record 4.34   Northeast said some records have been subpoenaed.
  subpoena document 3.75   It cannot subpoena documents, however.
  subpoena witness 3.62   The board can subpoena civilian witnesses.
  subpoena information 0.79   And such information could be subpoenaed.
  subpoena president 0.66   President is subpoenaed to testify.
  subpoena material 0.46   The Senate Rules Committee had subpoenaed the materials.
  subpoena power 0.46   It would confer with and advise those offices, but would have its own investigators and subpoena power.
  subpoena tape 0.46   The second tape was not subpoenaed by the investigators for a month.
  subpoena agent 0.39   The Treasury and Justice motion was filed in an attempt to block the effort to subpoena the agents from testifying.
  subpoena note 0.39   Notes can be subpoenaed.
  subpoena official 0.39   Independent counsel Robert Fiske has subpoenaed White House officials but has not issued any indictments.
  subpoena people 0.39   The commission has the power to subpoena people to give testimony.
  subpoena thousand 0.39   He has subpoenaed thousands of documents from the White House, some of which have not been forthcoming.
  subpoena journalist 0.26   These establish a three-part test for federal prosecutors who seek to subpoena journalists.
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