submit report 29.30   She would then submit a report.
  submit proposal 27.58   Airbus submitted its proposal in April.
  submit resignation 21.72   Prime minister submits resignation.
  submit bid 21.66   None submitted a bid.
  submit plan 18.63   The club has submitted plans to the state.
  submit application 14.88   Houston had submitted three applications.
  submit bill 9.02   Bills are submitted to them each month.
  submit list 6.98   The list must be submitted to the president by Saturday.
  submit name 6.98   Please submit your name if you would like to teach.
  submit request 6.58   Ms. Smith submits her request.
  submit recommendation 5.53   Two teachers must submit recommendations.
  submit letter 5.33   Prosecutors submitted that letter into evidence.
  submit question 5.33   They submitted written questions.
  submit claim 5.13   He did not submit a claim for arbitration.
  submit document 5.13   Are you going to submit that document?
  submit petition 4.74   The club will submit its petition on Monday.
  submit information 4.54   Runners submitted information for background checks.
  submit offer 4.34   No one was ever told not to submit an offer.
  submit legislation 4.15   Want to submit legislation to allow it?
  submit motion 3.49   Opposition submits censure motion against government.
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