study issue 23.70   Carroll is studying the issue.
  study way 18.83   He had studied the ways ducks moved.
  study possibility 16.52   A committee is studying the possibility.
  study proposal 14.55   OPEC agreed to study the proposal.
  study law 13.63   He had been studying law.
  study effect 11.78   She is studying the effects of sleep deprivation.
  study problem 8.89   Some teams are studying the problem.
  study art 8.62   He also studied art.
  study history 7.90   Study your history.
  study report 7.64   I needed to study the report.
  study music 7.50   Study music.
  study matter 7.18   The PUC is now studying the matter.
  study medicine 6.91   Jane is studying medicine.
  study film 6.52   He studies film.
  study economics 6.45   Studied economics in London and Vienna.
  study plan 6.25   Russia said it needed more time to study the plan.
  study option 4.94   Visit garden centers to study the options.
  study case 4.81   Their cases would be studied, he said.
  study language 4.61   The language Stokes is studying?
  study feasibility 4.41   Cuba was still studying its feasibility, he added.
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