struggle be 22.91   But this struggle is different.
  struggle continue 3.23   But struggles continue.
  struggle begin 1.91   A desperate struggle begins.
  struggle go 1.78   The struggles go on.
  struggle ensue 1.58   A high stakes political struggle ensues.
  struggle end 1.45   The struggle never ends.
  struggle become 1.12   That struggle became the basis of her book.
  struggle have 1.05   The armed power struggle has since claimed thousands of lives.
  struggle take 0.99   The struggles took their toll.
  struggle seem 0.86   But now the struggle seems hopeless.
  struggle come 0.79   But the glorious struggle never came.
  struggle appear 0.72   That struggle does not appear on the video.
  struggle erupt 0.72   The power struggle erupted in public following stunning Serb losses to the Croats.
  struggle lead 0.72   The struggle led to several small wars.
  struggle break_out 0.66   But a struggle has broken out over who will succeed him.
  struggle intensify 0.66   Presidential power struggle intensifies.
  struggle pit 0.66   Now, he is saddened that his struggle also pits him against fellow Palestinians.
  struggle play_out 0.59   In California, a struggle is playing out over nursing home reform.
  struggle turn 0.53   Look at the places that have seen struggles turn to excellence.
  struggle get 0.46   The struggle got worse.
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