structural reform 24.75   - Establish monitoring system for structural reforms.
  structural damage 18.76   No structural damage was found.
  structural change 13.82   More structural changes are on the way.
  structural problem 11.92   Here Bibi has a certain structural problem.
  structural engineer 6.78   But the structural engineer was in Atlanta.
  structural adjustment 5.27   According to the plan, the structural adjustments will begin in January.
  structural integrity 1.84   - Improving the structural integrity of the building.
  structural weakness 1.65   The car has some serious structural weaknesses.
  structural defect 1.58   Older buildings are bound to have some structural defects.
  structural flaw 1.32   A structural flaw?
  structural failure 1.25   Or the hull could have suffered some kind of structural failure.
  structural fund 1.25   In many cases, such projects would not be undertaken without structural fund backing.
  structural analysis 1.18   Eisenman has chosen to aestheticize structural analysis.
  structural element 1.18   Fireside also added a key structural element.
  structural repair 1.18   It had no water or heat, and many structural repairs were essential.
  structural issue 0.99   The government will also consider longer-term structural issues and deregulation of the economy.
  structural difference 0.92   There are structural differences, too.
  structural factor 0.86   But there were also structural factors at play.
  structural component 0.79   The metal is widely used for implements and structural components.
  structural design 0.79   But the report said not all of the remedies involve structural design issues.
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