strongest team 5.07   And he wound up being the strongest team leader.
  strongest candidate 4.61   Gervin would be the strongest candidate.
  strongest evidence 3.03   But now comes the strongest evidence yet that the Anasazi practiced cannibalism.
  strongest support 2.83   His strongest support in the polls has come from older people and men.
  strongest growth 2.76   The strongest growth occurred in Asia.
  strongest opposition 2.57   HAMAS is the strongest Palestinian opposition group.
  strongest supporter 2.30   The strongest supporters are labor unions and consumer groups.
  strongest opponent 2.11   The strongest opponent was Myanmar.
  strongest challenge 1.97   Lawyers who specialize in art law said it was perhaps the strongest challenge so far.
  strongest party 1.97   Second strongest party in parliament.
  strongest performer 1.78   Last year, shipbuilding was its strongest performer.
  strongest statement 1.78   Execution is the strongest statement you can make.
  strongest criticism 1.71   Neutral Sweden offered the strongest criticism.
  strongest advocate 1.51   Jordan, the strongest advocate of peace with Israel opposes that.
  strongest argument 1.51   This is the strongest argument for Dole.
  strongest force 1.51   Our party is the strongest force in the country.
  strongest position 1.51   The key is realign a shaft in its strongest position.
  strongest case 1.45   But put together the strongest case you can.
  strongest indication 1.45   It was the strongest indication yet he would seek reelection.
  strongest performance 1.45   As the underdog, Caton provides the strongest performance of all.
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