strike rich 7.04   Strike it rich?
  strike dumb 1.38   Amy was struck dumb.
  strike hard 0.86   Israel pledged after the attacks to strike hard against Hezbollah.
  strike close 0.66   It was the first time NATO planes struck so close to Pale.
  strike lucky 0.53   Or he may strike it lucky and find himself alone.
  strike big 0.46   Three plays later, the Vikings appeared to strike it big.
  strike dead 0.33   Out-and-out strike it dead.
  strike deeper 0.33   The words struck even deeper than Gwendolyn expected.
  strike closer 0.26   Phelan strikes much closer to the truth.
  strike early 0.26   Miller said the union would ask the National Mediation Board to allow it to strike early next year.
  strike mute 0.26   The children, who are struck mute by the tragedy, move through the film like sleepwalkers.
  strike speechless 0.26   Again, the panel was struck speechless.
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