stricter control 9.15   The President wants stricter controls on immigration.
  stricter rule 8.49   Stricter rules are clearly in order.
  stricter regulation 6.19   And stricter regulations govern districts.
  stricter standard 5.99   By itself, a stricter standard will not deliver cleaner air.
  stricter enforcement 4.54   But Nateq-Nouri wants stricter enforcement of the social code.
  stricter law 3.75   Each pushes for stricter laws.
  stricter guideline 3.09   China recently adopted stricter guidelines on vehicle emissions.
  stricter security 2.96   Much stricter security precautions at airports and on airplanes.
  stricter limit 2.83   It would permit states to set stricter limits.
  stricter measure 2.37   Minnesota is insisting on stricter measures, attorneys said.
  stricter safety 1.71   The union stressed the need for stricter safety standards.
  stricter penalty 1.51   Torkan called for stricter penalties for violating highway rules.
  stricter punishment 1.51   Stricter punishment?
  stricter supervision 1.32   Those who show only limited progress are put under stricter supervision.
  stricter policy 1.18   One lingering effect of the death penalty involved stricter academic policies.
  stricter requirement 1.12   Albuquerque must meet those stricter requirements.
  stricter gun 0.99   Yet most Americans, too, would like stricter gun laws.
  stricter immigration 0.92   Proponents of stricter immigration laws have opposed the effort.
  stricter border 0.86   Among measures proposed to combat such crimes are stricter border patrols and exchanges of intelligence.
  stricter code 0.86   Parents demand these stricter codes.
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