strew body 1.71   And bodies are strewn everywhere.
  strew street 1.12   The streets are strewn with rubble.
  strew wreckage 0.92   The wreckage was strewn over a large area.
  strew road 0.79   The road was strewn with spent cartridges.
  strew belonging 0.59   Personal belongings were strewn about.
  strew ground 0.59   The ground outside is strewn with land mines.
  strew part 0.59   Body parts were strewn along the road.
  strew debris 0.53   Debris was strewn for six yards around the crash.
  strew clothes 0.46   Clothes were strewn all over the bedroom floor.
  strew floor 0.46   The floor was strewn with tiny bodies, he said.
  strew path 0.46   Flowers strewed the path.
  strew area 0.39   The areas are strewn with mines.
  strew flower 0.33   Flowers were strewn on a monument to the students.
  strew luggage 0.33   Luggage was strewn about and smoke filled the air.
  strew table 0.33   The tables are strewn with laptops and papers.
  strew bottle 0.26   Bottles were strewn everywhere.
  strew furniture 0.26   Furniture was strewn around.
  strew garbage 0.26   Garbage was strewn across the sand dunes like filthy confetti.
  strew paper 0.26   Paper was strewn around the training camp site.
  strew rubble 0.26   The first story was completely crushed, and the rubble was strewn with shoes and bedding.
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