stress need 46.74   She stressed the need for regular meetings.
  stress importance 44.77   He stressed the importance of spiritual values.
  stress commitment 4.61   Kohl, Blair stress commitment to euro.
  stress support 2.76   Both men stressed support for Israel.
  stress point 2.63   Anwar must stress this point.
  stress value 2.37   Both Blakes stress the value of an education.
  stress issue 2.11   Others stress the issue of product liability and unfair business practices.
  stress cooperation 1.97   Clinton, nonetheless, still stresses cooperation.
  stress desire 1.91   He also stressed his desire to see a new round of base closings.
  stress urgency 1.91   Erakat stressed the urgency of the target date.
  stress role 1.84   He stressed the role of writers challenging authority.
  stress education 1.65   And he stressed education.
  stress difference 1.38   Gramm stressed the differences in his position and that of Dole.
  stress difficulty 1.32   And modernists have stressed the difficulty of his work, its layered, contradictory meanings.
  stress opposition 1.32   Election challenger stresses opposition to immigration.
  stress theme 1.32   The event stressed the theme of reunifying the peninsula.
  stress defense 1.25   He started out by stressing defense.
  stress danger 1.12   Several delegates stressed the danger of delaying action.
  stress concern 1.05   And officials always stressed their concern for safety.
  stress responsibility 1.05   He stresses responsibility.
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