straddle border 3.88   He straddled borders.
  straddle line 2.04   For some, LAPD straddles that line.
  straddle world 1.84   Some Jews straddle both worlds.
  straddle gate 1.78   I just straddled a gate.
  straddle fence 1.51   Aspen, Colo. is straddling the fence.
  straddle boundary 0.59   The main West Bank aquifer straddles political boundaries.
  straddle divide 0.46   Ullman and his team of negotiators had seemingly straddled the divide.
  straddle side 0.46   We straddle both sides.
  straddle bike 0.39   He straddled the bike.
  straddle culture 0.39   Wolf-Ferrari straddled two cultures.
  straddle handover 0.39   Eleven foreign inmates, whose sentences straddle the handover of sovereignty next July.
  straddle issue 0.39   Some mainstream Catholic leaders are straddling the issue.
  straddle equator 0.33   Kiribati straddles the equator between Hawaii and Australia.
  straddle middle 0.26   The Democratic president straddles the middle.
  straddle river 0.26   This is a key reason why Turkey has refused to grant autonomy to its Kurdish region, which straddles both rivers.
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