storage space 19.55   Instant storage space.
  storage facility 18.70   The super crop is taxing storage facilities.
  storage site 17.97   Yet another online storage site is ending free service.
  storage tank 16.72   The puff signals nearby storage tanks of calcium.
  storage area 12.64   The fire demolished our storage area.
  storage device 7.70   It has no disk drives or other storage devices.
  storage room 7.70   Storage room is ample but not extravagant.
  storage capacity 7.44   The airport has limited storage capacity.
  storage system 7.44   Procom makes data storage systems.
  storage unit 4.74   Another storage unit perhaps?
  storage bin 3.82   A grain storage bin.
  storage locker 3.62   Q. Does the Zurich Airport have storage lockers?
  storage medium 3.29   Storage media is an unsettled field.
  storage depot 3.23   In October, they blew up two oil storage depots in the capital.
  storage company 2.90   At the same time, storage companies like EMC Corp.
  storage container 2.83   The canister doubles as a storage container.
  storage product 2.83   As storage products go, Zip drives appear to be reasonably dependable.
  storage building 2.24   The storage building grew into its role gradually.
  storage compartment 2.24   Bins and storage compartments abound.
  storage shed 1.65   The storage shed was rented under an alias, Rathbun said.
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