stop at 152.86   Stop at the next corner.
  stop short_of 147.01   Yet we stop short of analysing what it is.
  stop in 134.63   Owen stopped in his tracks.
  stop for 69.32   Stop for David.
  stop on 37.13   This truck can stop on a dime!
  stop with 17.91   You stop with me dolly.
  stop after 15.08   Why stop after the fight?
  stop before 8.89   It stops just before the knuckle.
  stop in_front_of 5.53   The machine stopped in front of them.
  stop near 5.33   The car stopped near a tiny creek.
  stop outside 5.27   He stopped outside one of these.
  stop because_of 5.07   They had stopped because of his need for rest.
  stop to 5.00   Passersby stop to gawk.
  stop along 3.69   The hearse never stops along the route.
  stop as 3.49   Objections by Reyes stopped it as hearsay.
  stop during 3.09   --Sneezing stops during sleep.
  stop in_the_middle_of 2.44   Pike stopped in the middle of the tarmac.
  stop without 2.04   I had stopped without thinking.
  stop under 1.84   Harry stopped under a street lamp.
  stop until 1.71   It never stopped until after we were asleep in our tents.
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