stony silence 3.88   Stony silence.
  stony ground 0.99   He pushed aside a woman kneeling on the stony ground.
  stony meteorite 0.53   Aeroliths, or stony meteorites, are composed chiefly of silicates.
  stony face 0.46   Like a veil lifting, his stony face went soft.
  stony path 0.46   He drove along a narrow private stony path.
  stony stare 0.46   She gave him a stony stare.
  stony desert 0.26   The landscape is a stony desert, smeared here and there with sulphur compounds.
  stony soil 0.26   Instead they had to settle for stony soil and harsh New England winters.
  stony track 0.26   ...a stony track.
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