stock shelf 6.19   On Mondays he stocks shelves.
  stock rose 2.17   Tokyo stocks prices rose.
  stock price 1.65   Bass stock prices.
  stock store 1.38   Stores are stocked again.
  stock roster 1.32   Clubs stocked their rosters last month.
  stock team 1.25   Both teams are stocked with unknowns and rejects.
  stock book 0.79   Libraries stock books on how to invest in these shares.
  stock product 0.79   Other Wal-Mart stores also stock this product.
  stock refrigerator 0.79   Their refrigerator was stocked with fresh food.
  stock stuffer 0.79   Good stocking stuffer.
  stock supply 0.72   Bulgarians have reacted by stocking food supplies as prices skyrocket.
  stock car 0.66   Liking stock cars more than preachers, I was relieved.
  stock foot 0.66   Horrigan noted that he showed up in stocking feet for the presentation.
  stock library 0.66   And yet the apartment holds enough books to stock a library.
  stock market 0.59   Monitoring forex, stocks markets.
  stock shop 0.59   The shop was poorly stocked in either case.
  stock stitch 0.59   Knit two rows of stocking stitch between transfers.
  stock bar 0.53   The bar is stocked with beer, wine and liquor.
  stock cupboard 0.53   This team has stocked the cupboard.
  stock fell 0.53   Stock prices fell or were little changed in Prague and Budapest.
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