stiffen penalty 4.94   Would have stiffened penalties for pet theft.
  stiffen resolve 2.90   A feeling that stiffened her resolve.
  stiffen resistance 0.92   It also could stiffen their resistance, however.
  stiffen sanction 0.79   The party stiffened its sanctions against Deuba on Sunday.
  stiffen competition 0.72   Wheat prices tumbled amid new signs of stiffening global competition.
  stiffen punishment 0.72   Sen. Larry Craig introduces a bill to stiffen punishments for spiking trees.
  stiffen rule 0.53   Since then, the rule has been stiffened.
  stiffen sentence 0.46   Prosecutors asked the Supreme Court to stiffen the sentences.
  stiffen spine 0.46   The Democrats also need to stiffen their spines.
  stiffen demand 0.39   The Forum for Democracy, a loose union of opposition groups, stiffened those demands on Friday.
  stiffen law 0.39   Smith dismissed criticism of efforts to stiffen immigration laws.
  stiffen requirement 0.39   It also plans to stiffen its requirements for all future drivers.
  stiffen warning 0.33   His death prompted the embassy to stiffen a warning against using street taxis in the crime-plagued Mexican capital.
  stiffen control 0.26   The text aims to stiffen copyright controls by introducing a licencing requirement for the production, export and import of compact discs.
  stiffen regulation 0.26   The aviation agency is trying to stiffen those regulations.
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