steep decline 19.03   Nigeria has fallen into steep decline.
  steep price 11.92   Steep base price.
  steep slope 10.20   They climbed the steep slope.
  steep drop 10.07   Louisiana saw a steep drop in the poverty rate.
  steep hill 9.74   They were toiling up a steep hill.
  steep discount 6.98   The debt trades at steep discounts.
  steep loss 6.78   The broader market also had steep losses.
  steep fall 6.12   It sits on a steep fall of land.
  steep increase 5.99   This easing of prices followed steep increases the day before.
  steep mountain 5.92   Mountain too steep?
  steep rise 5.33   Two old Serb women walk up the steep rise.
  steep hillside 4.74   They can be installed on steep hillsides.
  steep climb 3.82   We had no snow or steep climbs.
  steep bank 2.70   He scrambled down the steep bank.
  steep cliff 2.30   He made slow progress down the steep cliff.
  steep cut 2.24   Faster models also saw steep cuts.
  steep incline 2.17   This is a steep incline.
  steep cost 2.11   And this knowledge comes with a steep cost.
  steep dive 2.11   The fighter plane went into a steep dive.
  steep terrain 2.11   Steep terrain.
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