steam vegetable 0.79   Steam the vegetables lightly.
  steam rice 0.46   Serve over steamed jasmine rice.
  steam fish 0.39   Steam fish.
  steam mussel 0.39   Steam the mussels in a covered pan until they open.
  steam broccoli 0.33   Steam broccoli until tender.
  steam dumpling 0.33   The Chinese usually steam their dumplings or cook them in boiling water.
  steam asparagus 0.26   Boil or steam asparagus until just tender.
  steam carrot 0.26   She prefers to steam carrots rather than boil them.
  steam leaf 0.26   First, cabbage leaves are steamed and set aside.
  steam potato 0.26   Frau Gess has promised to make me some creamed chicken and steamed potato.
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