stay put 1.71   Stay put until I get back.
  stay course 0.86   Stay the course!
  stay sentence 0.53   Their sentences were stayed pending the appeal.
  stay home 0.46   The government asked residents to stay home Sunday to keep roads open for emergency and rescue vehicles.
  stay decision 0.39   Decisions that stay with you.
  stay order 0.39   That order is now stayed as well.
  stay ruling 0.39   The ruling was later stayed pending appeal.
  stay execution 0.33   He had sent a letter Wednesday asking President Ong to stay her execution.
  stay injunction 0.26   That injunction was stayed.
  stay way 0.26   My parents mentioned it once, having one more child, but I was the youngest, and it would always stay that way.
  stay while 0.26   Stay a while.
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