statement say 320.41   In what capacity, the statement did not say.
  statement be 70.57   And where is its statement?
  statement come 24.16   Monthly statements come by e-mail.
  statement add 21.46   The new statement adds a fresh line of inquiry.
  statement give 15.60   The statement gave no details.
  statement make 12.44   Now those statements make sense.
  statement call 8.10   The statement called for his resignation.
  statement follow 7.97   A careful, official statement does not follow.
  statement indicate 6.65   The statement indicated no outside income.
  statement mention 6.12   The statement mentioned no injuries.
  statement appear 5.46   A similar statement appeared in the film.
  statement specify 4.61   The statement did not specify how much.
  statement note 4.15   The statement noted continued shelling along the border.
  statement accuse 3.62   The statement accused him of defending Israel.
  statement seem 3.62   How prophetic that statement seems today.
  statement urge 3.42   A separate police statement urged people to stay calm.
  statement provide 3.29   The statement provided no details.
  statement go 3.23   My statement still goes.
  statement suggest 3.23   The statement suggested that he was abducted.
  statement confirm 3.03   The location and time are confirmed by statements on the tape.
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