start be 18.56   Could be a start.
  start come 1.84   He said his next start will come Saturday.
  start make 1.05   Start make the tea.
  start do 0.99   How did this start?
  start will 0.92   Neither would likely start before the fall.
  start give 0.72   He has seen quick starts give way to dreadful summers.
  start fall 0.66   New home starts fell six straight months through June.
  start have 0.66   The start has everyone wondering if the Pack is back.
  start help 0.66   A fresh start might help.
  start go 0.59   The start went smoothly, but then the problems set in.
  start get 0.53   One more start should get him to Boston.
  start lead 0.53   The trial, whose start led to violence, resumes on Tuesday.
  start leave 0.46   The Wildcats start a new left tackle and lack depth at wide receiver.
  start mean 0.46   His start means Cammie Murray moves across the back.
  start hit 0.39   After some success with these drills, start hitting full shots trusting your aim and plane.
  start play 0.39   One starts playing a harmonica, the others form a circle.
  start put 0.39   Yet another scorching start put the Bucks in control early.
  start run 0.39   Did not start first run Josef Strobl, Austria.
  start talk 0.39   But start talking about poking eyeballs, and I get weak in the knees.
  start work 0.39   A European central bank will its start work on the same day.
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