standardized test 28.24   Bush is a big fan of standardized state tests.
  standardized exam 0.99   Now they have to pass a standardized exam.
  standardized form 0.79   The IBM and Chase system has a standardized form.
  standardized system 0.66   But both measures stopped short of proposing a standardized system of voting nationwide.
  standardized product 0.59   Behind that success was our system of mass production of standardized products.
  standardized achievement 0.53   Local scores on standardized achievement tests are among the lowest in the United States.
  standardized math 0.53   Cotton suffers from anxiety when taking standardized math tests.
  standardized contract 0.39   Such a derivative is a standardized contract that trades on regulated financial exchanges.
  standardized patient 0.39   People who play the standardized patients agree.
  standardized practice 0.39   The second sentence makes it clear to providers that standardized accounting practices are followed.
  standardized way 0.33   Labels work the conventions in standardized ways.
  standardized definition 0.26   The report will look at reserves and refuges to establish a standardized definition of each.
  standardized drug 0.26   And the Democratic plans propose adding a standardized drug benefit in traditional Medicare.
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