squeeze profit 10.07   Profits would be squeezed.
  squeeze hand 3.42   Sadoq squeezes my hand.
  squeeze juice 3.42   Squeeze lime juice over all.
  squeeze margin 2.96   This is squeezing retail margins.
  squeeze money 2.50   All situations are good for squeezing money from people.
  squeeze trigger 1.97   He squeezed the trigger.
  squeeze eye 1.78   She squeezed her eyes tightly shut.
  squeeze cost 1.58   Such consolidation could squeeze considerable costs from both systems.
  squeeze earnings 1.51   Narrower lending margins could squeeze earnings even more.
  squeeze lemon 1.45   Squeeze lemon.
  squeeze life 1.12   The result is that real life is squeezed bloodless by dialectics.
  squeeze shoulder 1.05   Squeeze your shoulders back tight.
  squeeze arm 0.99   He squeezed her arm reassuringly.
  squeeze dry 0.99   Squeeze dry.
  squeeze company 0.92   Indonesian companies are being squeezed on two fronts.
  squeeze payment 0.92   Medicare and Medicaid have squeezed payments to doctors and hospitals.
  squeeze way 0.92   They pushed and squeezed their way out of the jute field.
  squeeze supply 0.86   That squeezed supplies to two refineries in Texas.
  squeeze water 0.86   Squeeze excess water from tofu.
  squeeze budget 0.79   And nothing can squeeze a budget faster than eating every meal out.
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