spread be 10.01   Spreads are very tight.
  spread narrow 1.78   That may cause spreads to narrow again.
  spread widen 1.51   Yield spreads widened.
  spread indicate 1.32   A lower spread indicates a growing preference for gilts.
  spread reflect 1.12   The spread reflects the risk premium investors demand to buy gilts rather than bunds.
  spread suggest 0.72   The wider yield spread suggests weaker demand from investors.
  spread include 0.66   Other spreads have included a lobster bake and a Tex-Mex fiesta.
  spread mean 0.59   That demographic spread means we have to travel more.
  spread have 0.46   This spread has the same consistency as apple butter.
  spread imply 0.46   A wider spread implies a lower relative price.
  spread measure 0.39   The spread measures the premium investors demand to invest in Spain instead of Germany.
  spread cool 0.33   Spread over cooled cake.
  spread shrink 0.33   Now spreads have shrunk so much that payment for order flow may be eliminated.
  spread appear 0.26   Large photo and story spreads have appeared daily since Monday.
  spread change 0.26   But those narrower spreads may change how business is done.
  spread melt 0.26   Spread melted chocolate over crust.
  spread offer 0.26   Wider spreads would offer market-makers the opportunity to make bigger profits.
  spread remain 0.26   The pace of new CBOs slowed in recent months because spreads have remained narrow.
  spread represent 0.26   That spread represents the premium investors get for holding riskier bonds.
  spread soften 0.26   Spread softened butter evenly over dough.
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