sprawling pressure 3.95   Sprawling high pressure will cover the West.
  sprawling complex 3.23   The sprawling complex had space for a new wing.
  sprawling city 2.96   The streets in this sprawling city appeared calm Sunday.
  sprawling camp 2.76   Daily routine sets in amid wretched misery of sprawling camps.
  sprawling compound 2.76   Arafat was confined to one building in his sprawling compound.
  sprawling nation 2.50   The sprawling nation of islands has suffered a number of fatal train crashes recently.
  sprawling base 1.84   You locate Farris on this sprawling base by the sound of explosions.
  sprawling township 1.84   This sprawling township once was the symbol of the struggle by South African blacks against apartheid.
  sprawling campus 1.78   Frivolity and faith emanate from every corner of this sprawling campus.
  sprawling archipelago 1.71   Even so, several regions of the sprawling archipelago did catch a view.
  sprawling area 1.58   FBI agents surveyed the sprawling area with two dogs.
  sprawling suburb 1.32   They cruise sprawling suburbs behind tinted windshields.
  sprawling country 1.25   There are any number of players in this sprawling country, which is experimenting with democracy.
  sprawling ground 1.05   Linderhof stands in the midst of the Graswang Valley on sprawling grounds.
  sprawling mansion 1.05   Echeverria told the committee meeting at his sprawling Mexico City mansion.
  sprawling capital 0.99   Then it will target Caracas, the sprawling capital of five million people.
  sprawling house 0.99   Nirav lives in a sprawling house on a winding suburban street.
  sprawling estate 0.92   He was buried Saturday in a garden ceremony at his sprawling Lagos estate home.
  sprawling office 0.92   In their sprawling new office, tears are common among Social Security workers now.
  sprawling plant 0.92   The sprawling plant was evacuated after the explosion.
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