sporting event 58.06   A sporting event.
  sporting goods 19.82   ...a huge sporting goods store.
  sporting world 2.57   The sporting world is falling apart.
  sporting activity 2.11   They show a man in various sporting activities.
  sporting arena 1.51   Their political tensions often spill over into sporting arenas.
  sporting life 1.38   This sporting life does not come cheap.
  sporting director 1.32   Sporting director Carlo Regalia has taken a lot of the credit.
  sporting success 1.32   Sporting success is a Spirlea family tradition.
  sporting equipment 1.25   It also makes Aviva sporting equipment.
  sporting public 1.18   The sporting public has responded.
  sporting venue 1.05   Sporting venues already hosted big international competitions.
  sporting club 0.99   Except for sporting clubs, handguns are illegal.
  sporting body 0.92   By what sort of calculus shall sporting governing bodies measure disabilities?
  sporting federation 0.86   Today, sporting federations, clubs and training facilities in Haiti are deficient or non-existent.
  sporting history 0.86   And sporting history would be vastly different.
  sporting achievement 0.79   No doubt about the sporting achievement of the weekend...
  sporting competition 0.79   There is an increasing demand to watch sporting competitions.
  sporting contest 0.79   Luck plays a part in all sporting contests.
  sporting facility 0.79   The town has a comprehensive range of sporting facilities.
  sporting hero 0.72   Tiger Woods was his sporting hero.
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