sponsor exemption 1.84   Martin is allowed seven sponsor exemptions a year.
  sponsor logo 0.66   Barkley also was involved in a controversy over a sponsor logo on the team warmup suits.
  sponsor money 0.66   After assembling enough sponsor money for a car, Matsuda made his dreams reality.
  sponsor terrorism 0.53   Syria is still on a US State Department list of countries which Washington says sponsor terrorism.
  sponsor dollar 0.33   It carries the flag of soccer, the game that elicits passion and attracts sponsor dollars like no other.
  sponsor form 0.26   Please make sure that you write down your registration number in the space provided on the sponsor form.
  sponsor group 0.26   A sponsor group in New Hampshire had agreed to take them in.
  sponsor hope 0.26   One day, its sponsors hope, it will produce a distinctly Chilean red wine.
  sponsor name 0.26   There is no sponsor name emblazoned across the chest.
  sponsor say 0.26   The sponsors say that would provide more competition and program diversity.
  sponsor site 0.26   I found the sponsor site a bit stiff but relatively useful.
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