spending help 0.86   Some Liberal Democrats, however, are now calling for more fiscal spending to help boost the ailing economy.
  spending stimulate 0.66   The step aims to accelerate public spending to stimulate demand and employment.
  spending meet 0.53   He noted concern that cuts in state spending to meet the deficit target would weaken activity further.
  spending keep 0.46   He said he could not rule out a freeze on all further spending in order to keep deficits down.
  spending combat 0.39   And he has boosted federal spending to combat the AIDS epidemic.
  spending boost 0.33   Economists say the government must find more effective ways than public spending to boost economic growth.
  spending build 0.33   Supports increased federal spending to build new prisons.
  spending make 0.33   Democrats attacked the plan as cutting spending to make way for tax cuts.
  spending balance 0.26   He is in favor of drastic cuts in social spending in order to balance the budget.
  spending bring 0.26   All the spending to bring in new clients has diverted attention from customer service, Payne said.
  spending ensure 0.26   Private investment should be supplemented by State spending to ensure full employment of resources.
  spending get 0.26   With a larger budget deficit the government is less able to use public spending to get the economy growing faster.
  spending offset 0.26   Cogan argued that Bush could make other savings in military spending to offset the costs.
  spending revive 0.26   He subsequently hiked government spending to revive mothballed public works projects and sinking companies.
  spending support 0.26   Xiang said the new budget would also continue heavy construction spending to support economic growth.
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