speedy recovery 7.70   I wish him a speedy recovery.
  speedy trial 5.20   Simpson has requested a speedy trial.
  speedy resolution 3.23   Bush urged a speedy resolution.
  speedy action 1.91   No one should expect speedy action.
  speedy return 1.78   The speedy return surprised many.
  speedy decision 1.65   There is particular reason for a speedy decision.
  speedy approval 1.58   It gained speedy approval Tuesday.
  speedy receiver 1.38   That includes helping speedy Ram receivers break free for big gains.
  speedy conclusion 1.32   Both called for the speedy conclusion of the GATT trade talks.
  speedy end 1.25   But he predicted a speedy end for Suharto.
  speedy investigation 1.18   The organization called on the United Nations to lead a speedy investigation.
  speedy passage 1.12   But others pleaded for speedy passage of the bill.
  speedy solution 0.99   Rex sought a speedy solution.
  speedy forward 0.86   They have two speedy forwards who can be a threat.
  speedy delivery 0.79   Speedy delivery of sound and images is essential to the performers.
  speedy justice 0.79   Military courts will provide speedy justice, he said.
  speedy release 0.79   Aides said Blair was reluctant to raise expectations of a speedy release for the women.
  speedy implementation 0.72   Legislators called for speedy implementation of a two-billion-dollar program to modernize the military in the next five years.
  speedy review 0.72   They got a promise for speedy review and voted yes.
  speedy access 0.66   Most love the speedy Internet access ION provides, but they are tired of spotty phone service.
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