speculate on 82.95   But he also speculated on much wider issues.
  speculate about 28.70   Harrington is hard to speculate about.
  speculate as 4.08   Many of us speculated as to his reasons.
  speculate for 2.96   North had speculated for weeks that Wilder would give up.
  speculate against 1.58   By now the whole world was speculating against Thailand.
  speculate with 1.05   He also is charged with speculating with public and party funds.
  speculate at 0.79   It may even be Muslim, he speculates at one point.
  speculate over 0.79   Rage and anger at Rwanda were giving way to fear, as many people speculated over their fate.
  speculate by 0.39   Lotan said that would hurt earnings, but would not speculate by how much.
  speculate upon 0.39   Possible motives began to be speculated upon.
  speculate from 0.26   The Shaywitzes said they were reluctant even to speculate from the data at hand.
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