specialised equipment 0.72   As such, Canon Marketing can procure specialised equipment for itscustomers.
  specialised training 0.72   Academicians should use their specialised training and experience to give direction to society.
  specialised company 0.53   These specialised trading companies can also conduct multisourcing of imports for the SMIs, she added.
  specialised course 0.46   The Board also offers short specialised courses.
  specialised service 0.46   The need for specialised local services is very dependent upon provision by other groups in the area.
  specialised area 0.39   A specialised area of negligence is provided by liability for defective premises.
  specialised field 0.33   All these departments provide a support service to the Group in their specialised fields.
  specialised institution 0.33   But the specialised institutions have other priorities than a search for missing parents.
  specialised treatment 0.33   Specialised treatment using the services of specialists will be charged according to the relevant rates.
  specialised bank 0.26   Bank of China is one of several specialised banks in China.
  specialised competence 0.26   These will include basic skills as well as specialised competences in areas of applied biology.
  specialised group 0.26   This specialised group would also work to check the hundi business, children and women trafficking and crimes like acid throwing.
  specialised knowledge 0.26   You need specialised knowledge.
  specialised unit 0.26   The rescue operation was said to have been slowed by delays, confusion, a lack of cranes and the absence of specialised units.
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