speaking engagement 10.99   Forty colleges asked for speaking engagements.
  speaking term 4.28   They are not on speaking terms.
  speaking tour 3.69   Clinton is on a speaking tour of Australia.
  speaking style 3.42   Gardner was speaking style.
  speaking role 2.44   Pat Buchanan, too, was shut out of a major speaking role.
  speaking fee 2.17   They are not accepting speaking fees.
  speaking slot 2.11   Her speaking slot at the convention was reinstated.
  speaking voice 1.84   Her speaking voice still rings pure and clear.
  speaking part 1.45   A speaking part.
  speaking appearance 0.99   Carl said he never rehearses or plans his speaking appearances.
  speaking circuit 0.99   He expects to be on the speaking circuit this fall.
  speaking skill 0.86   Employees were judged, in part, on their speaking skills.
  speaking schedule 0.72   With his hectic speaking schedule, Hehir spends much of his life on airplanes.
  speaking ability 0.66   Barrett said his speaking abilities come naturally.
  speaking invitation 0.59   He was flooded with speaking invitations from the curious.
  speaking time 0.59   Gore lunged for his speaking time, and quickly crammed it with words.
  speaking student 0.46   A Hindi speaking student says kida.
  speaking country 0.39   Today, there are more Shakespeare productions to choose from in Japan than any other non-English speaking country.
  speaking gig 0.33   The speaking gigs came out in a newspaper story.
  speaking child 0.26   Bilingual education helps the non-English speaking children it was designed to serve.
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