sonic coach 0.99   Sonic coach George Karl asked.
  sonic fan 0.79   But Sonic fans were already prepared for that.
  sonic cruiser 0.72   And those industry changes could determine the fate of the sonic cruiser.
  sonic player 0.72   No Sonic player finished with double-digit rebounds.
  sonic bench 0.53   So he walked out to the Sonic bench in a black suit.
  sonic president 0.46   Sonic president Wally Walker called the transaction one that is best for everyone involved.
  sonic opponent 0.39   They held Philadelphia to a season-low output by a Sonic opponent.
  sonic point 0.39   Sonic point guard Gary Payton prefers the challenge of the moment.
  sonic assault 0.33   Some listeners may find her sonic assault too unrelenting.
  sonic defense 0.33   What he did spew upon was the Sonic defense.
  sonic hedgehog 0.33   Other viruses, however, could easily be developed to insert the Sonic hedgehog gene, Crystal said.
  sonic playoff 0.33   Shawn Kemp says talk of another Sonic playoff blunder is premature.
  sonic team 0.33   So an aging, small and fragile Sonic team now feels the pressure.
  sonic basketball 0.26   In Sonic basketball?
  sonic collage 0.26   The grooves range from hip-hop to calypso to dense sonic collages.
  sonic image 0.26   If the center speaker differs radically from the main stereo pair, weird things happen to the sonic image.
  sonic screwdriver 0.26   He pulled out his sonic screwdriver.
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