solidify position 3.42   Recent findings helped to solidify our position.
  solidify support 2.04   He may have solidified his support among the right-wing.
  solidify hold 1.51   But the controversy may have solidified his hold on the hard right here.
  solidify control 0.99   Coup leader Hun Sen has solidified control of the capital.
  solidify reputation 0.72   But an FSU win will solidify the reputation.
  solidify base 0.66   Both men elected to solidify their bases.
  solidify claim 0.66   But it looks as if he might have solidified his claim to the starting job.
  solidify place 0.66   First place was solidified.
  solidify power 0.59   He has solidified power while keeping alive an illusion of sharing it.
  solidify status 0.59   Does this win solidify his status as a great quarterback?
  solidify standing 0.53   But it was his three fights with Graziano that solidified his standing in boxing history.
  solidify lead 0.46   Other major firms solidified their leads in niche markets.
  solidify tie 0.46   To solidify the ties, Kim invited Jiang to visit South Korea and Jiang accepted.
  solidify defense 0.39   It solidifies our defense.
  solidify relation 0.39   In the years since, Jackson has worked to solidify relations between blacks and Jews.
  solidify relationship 0.39   It also solidifies a relationship with Malone, whose companies have been extremely active in such financial deals.
  solidify spot 0.39   A good fall helped solidify his spot in the starting rotation.
  solidify federation 0.33   But hard-liners on both sides continued placing their nationalist interests above attempts to solidify the federation.
  solidify gain 0.33   The night before, he came to this area as the Northern Alliance solidified its gains.
  solidify line 0.33   A fit Ball could solidify the line further.
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