solidarity leader 1.65   Solidarity leaders have accused Walesa of turning his back on workers.
  solidarity rally 0.66   Big solidarity rallies and celebrations.
  solidarity demonstration 0.59   Solidarity demonstrations were planned in Rome and Venice on Wednesday.
  solidarity visit 0.46   President Clinton has left, but the smiles brought on by his solidarity visit to Israel lingered Friday.
  solidarity action 0.33   Transport unions have called for solidarity action, raising the possibility of a snowball effect.
  solidarity foundation 0.33   The fund is separate from the government proposed solidarity foundation.
  solidarity fund 0.33   Klestil said that plans for a solidarity fund aimed at paying reparations would be submitted to parliament next year.
  solidarity group 0.33   Prisoner solidarity group Tayad said at least five of the defendants were former hunger strikers.
  solidarity march 0.33   Becerril asked citizens to turn out for an evening solidarity march in the city.
  solidarity mission 0.33   The officers are part of a group of police and Pentagon officials visiting Israel on a one-week solidarity mission.
  solidarity strike 0.33   It was not immediately clear if European transport unions would call a solidarity strike.
  solidarity founder 0.26   Solidarity founder and former President Lech Walesa declined to sing, claiming he has no voice.
  solidarity protest 0.26   Students organised a solidarity protest Saturday afternoon as those held in the overnight violence were being questioned.
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