soccer team 48.39   And so did their soccer team.
  soccer player 40.62   A female soccer player won.
  soccer fan 30.09   Soccer fans.
  soccer match 26.93   Just a soccer match, yes.
  soccer game 25.94   Soccer games.
  soccer star 22.98   The soccer star Mia Hamm.
  soccer field 21.13   Perhaps his fame will prevent this soccer field.
  soccer club 17.97   Later, he bought his own soccer club, Belgrade Obilic.
  soccer federation 17.97   The soccer federation should feel the same.
  soccer official 17.05   Soccer officials relented.
  soccer ball 16.98   No soccer balls.
  soccer tournament 11.85   Another major soccer tournament.
  soccer stadium 11.59   It was to be held in a soccer stadium.
  soccer league 11.39   Look at all those youth soccer leagues.
  soccer coach 9.81   I was a soccer coach once.
  soccer body 6.65   The soccer body is under fire over television rights.
  soccer championship 5.46   Soccer championship enthralls its global followers.
  soccer authority 5.33   For European soccer authorities it was tough to swallow.
  soccer hooligan 5.33   The English soccer hooligan.
  soccer association 4.34   The Danish soccer association declined to comment on the report.
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